Community Rating System(CRS) Program
Making Communities more resilient and improve economic vitality
What We Can Do for You
CRS 5-year verification cycle visit
1. Develop a gap analysis
2. Propose new activities and improve existing activities
3. Prepare outreach strategies and material preparation
4. Review web page
5. Assist preparing emergency plans
6. Identify and map open space
7. Review elevation certificates
8. Review and amend local flood ordinance for CRS compliance
Annual recertification
1. Maintain permit list and track Substantial Improvement/Substantial Damage properties
2. Audit elevation certificates
3. Assist communities in mitigation potential non-compliant properties
4. Review and implement flood venting
Community Outreach
1. Train community staff on the CRS Program
2. Conduct presentations to the community to heighten flood awareness
3. Establish a contact person for flood insurance questions
4. Train community staff and others on reading a flood insurance map
What is CRS?
Community Rating System
Did you know that flooding impacts more individuals in the United States than any other hazard? Many community residents rely on flood insurance to address the risks posed by flooding. To reduce the rising costs of flood insurance, FEMA created the Community Rating System (CRS) program, a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management practices that exceed the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
The CRS Program addresses three main goals:
1 - Reduce and avoid flood damage to insurable property
2 - Strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the National Flood Insurance Program
3 - Foster comprehensive floodplain management
A community that meets some or all of these goals will achieve:
1 - A class designation that provides a flood insurance discount on all flood policies in increments of 5% depending on the class
2 - A community that implements higher standards will become a more resilient community and bounce back from storms much quicker
3 - A CRS community will be a safer community
CRS Classifications are based on 19 creditable activities, organized in four categories:
1 - Public Information
2 - Mapping and Regulations
3 - Flood Damage Reduction
4 - Warning and Response
Let us help you improve your CRS program, so you too can become a more resilient community, reduce flood insurance premiums and put money back into your community.